Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Oh, if only this 8/20/06 Doonesbury cartoon were true. I’ve largely avoided writing about the Middle East and the Iraq War. It is not that I don’t think about it, I just want to put a positive perspective on it. The problem is I can’t seem to find a “happy” angle. The worse things get, the more powerless if feel.

While America obsesses over the killer of JonBonet Ramsey, in one month (July 2006), 47 coalition troops died and over 3400 innocent Iraqis (that averages 110 a day!) were killed. There seems to be no new strategies coming out of the White House and Iraq is on the verge (if not there already) of civil war.

Today in the news they called up even more marine reserve troops.

I’m speechless.

This war is a nightmare and I can’t wake up.

What’s the solution? Pulling out would make Iraq even more of a blood bath in my opinion. Staying the present course is only weakening the U.S. position abroad and at home and strengthening terrorist and Iran and Syria’s influence not to even mention the death toll. There are no easy answers, but President Bush got us into this and he needs to provide vision to get us out.

1 comment:

teacherman said...

What's the solution? Pulling out would make Iraq even more of a blood bath in my opinion.
Now you're sounding like Hillary Clinton! As for Bush, he does have an exit strategy: In two years, he'll exit office and someone else can worry about it.