Wednesday, March 24, 2010

U.S. Constitution WebQuest: Government Officials and Other Activities

If you've finished your WebQuest work in class, you should be looking up the names of the politicians on page 73 on the back, inside cover of your Constitution workbook. Who is the Senate Majority Leader? Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

1. Fill in all of the Federal Government officials.

2. For the Cabinet: fill-in the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Education, and the Secretary of Homeland Security. (You don’t need to fill out the other Cabinet positions.)

3. Finally, fill-in the Senators from our state, and the Representative from your district (your district is the 5th—make sure that it is the federal Representative).

Mix It Up

If you have extra time. . .
  • Take a look at the Deceleration of Independence by clicking here, then the Constitution here (same site), and the Bill of Rights. You can also check out an interactive Constitution here.
  • Check out this Civics Quiz. I'm a little skeptical of some of the questions and their correct gauging of civics, and some of their conclusions about the data are rather dubious, but you should do fairly well since most of the questions are on the Constitution and last 100 years of US history.
  • Try your hand at your American IQ by going to the channel one site (click here) and trying the quiz.