Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Ch 25 The Cold War Activities

Cold War Games/Activities
Cold War Jeopardy

Cold War Millionaire

The Cold War 

Ch 25/1 Cold War Quiz retakes (click here)

Textbook Resources and Practice Quizzes
There are also some good flashcards and a crossword here.  
50s Rock and roll?  Read a bit here.  Rock and roll quiz?  Yes
And there are some Know it? Show it! games here.

There's a YouTube video playlists here (stay on the playlist).  Some of these videos have more mature content language so please view as a young adult.
Some of these we may be watching in class.  The videos include Crash Course, PSA from the 50s, and a list of Cold War Video Games.  Got any more to add?

Speaking of games, here's one that looks like it was created during the Cold War.  There are some games you can pay for (but please don't) like Us And Them.  There is also COD: Black Ops I, which has some kind of Cold War plot but I haven't played it.  

Cool Websites has videos and more info.  
There's also plans to build a Cold War Museum.  
Finally, there's the BBC site. There also this site with sound clips that highlights African American contributions to popular music. 

Know any more?  Comment and let me know or see me in class.

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