Monday, October 05, 2015

Progressive Era DBQ Essay 

To address content, writing, and the common core standards we will be using documents to support a five paragraph essay.  The task is to choose three worthy reforms from the Progressive Era and fund them with money given to you by your fictional aunt.  Examples and documents are used in class.  Reform causes include: deforestation/conservation, child labor, women's suffrage (right to vote), and food safety. 

Here is what your essay should look like:
I. Introduction: Background, question, and thesis
II. Body Paragraph: Problem #1, evidence and argument
III. Body Paragraph: Problem #2, evidence and argument
IV. Body Paragraph: Problem #3, evidence and argument
V. Conclusion: restate thesis, why you choose what you did
The outline can be viewed here.

Use your outline given in class. Type up your essay in Google Docs.  See the presentation below and your rubric for more info.  No using outside sources or copying, please!



When You Finish 
  • Print your essay, fill out the rubric and staple it on top.  
  • Next, start thinking about history fair topics by researching them online.  Look over the handout in class and check out the online resources by clicking here

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