Monday, April 14, 2014

The US Constitution Test is Monday & Tuesday (4/21 & 22). Study flashcards on your phone or online!

Use your phone or other device to study flashcards.  There are literally 100's of flashcard apps for apple and android devices.  Most should work fine.  
  1. Download a flashcard app
  2. Search for flashcards on  quizlet (or under Elm US Constitution Test
  3. Add the set to your flashcard app's library or sets.

Quizlet has it's own app that you can download for all phones.  Here's a free app for Apple products that I've used. There's also flashcards+ and StudyBlue (for both apple and android and free) but have not used it. 

There's also a study session after school on Thursday (if enough students sign up).

You can also study them below:

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