Monday, September 23, 2013

Progressive Era Essay 

To address content, writing, and the common core standards we will be using documents to support a five paragraph essay.  The task is to choose three worthy reforms from the Progressive Era and fund them with money given to you by your fictional aunt.  Examples and documents are used in class.  

Suggested reform causes include: deforestation/conservation, child labor, suffrage, and food safety.  

Here is what your essay should look like:
I. Introduction: Background, thesis & roadmap
II. Body Paragraph #1: Reform #1, evidence & argument
III. Body Paragraph #2: Reform #2, evidence & argument
IV. Body Paragraph #3: Reform #3, evidence & argument
V. Conclusion: why you choose what you did

When you finish you can work on the Ch 19 Enrichment materials (see posts below) and/or watch CNN Student News.

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