Wednesday, September 06, 2006

9/11 Letter

This is a email sent by a good friend of mine three days after the 9/11 attacks. It addresses the backlash against Muslims after information about the attacks started coming out and violence was directed against all Muslims.
It’s startling in its hope for a future of compassion. One that, so far, is far from being realized.

From : Grant
Sent : Friday, September 14, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject : Sept. 11, 2001

It is increasingly worrisome that our sorrow and grief is turning into a
hardening of our hearts toward people who had nothing to do with the
sickening events of Sept. 11. In remembrance of the victims and through
our mourning of their loss and this unspeakable attack on the United
States and all the people of the world who share in our beliefs of
freedom, democracy and tolerance it is necessary to remind ourselves
what this nation is and what it means to be an American.

We believe that the impossible can be attained through hope and strong
resolve. That democracy, however messy it is, gives everyone a voice.
That all people, including those with different beliefs, colors and
cultures can become Americans and share in our hope based solely on
their willingness to work toward their dreams. That hatred, anger,
violence or discrimination toward others based on differences is
inimical toward our ideals and resolutely wrong. That war, in defense
of our beliefs and our country is at times a necessary undertaking but
one that should never be subject to rashness or fueled by immediate
emotion and only considered in the most solemn manner possible. That
true patriotism is a celebration of all that is good in which we believe
and never should be confused with the villification of the other. That
our country has welcomed people of all countries, races, classes and
religions and this has made our country great.

But most of all that hope, justice and compassion will always conquer
hatred and evil.

We are confused, we are upset, we are angry but we will not compromise
our belief in all that makes us proud to be Americans.

Please find your inspiration from those who are selflessly helping
their fellow people in the rubble of New York and Washington and not
those few who would have us hate. Please show the world that we will
continue to be an example of hope.

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