Monday, January 26, 2015

Ch 24 Section 4 Quiz Retake

Toward Victory
Click here:
Ch 24 Section 4 Quiz Retake
Enter your name.  You can use your sketchnotes and/or the internet but you may not get help from another person.  The quiz is timed and you may take it as often as you wish.
Email me or see me when you have a new score.  Max grade on retakes for Q3 is a D.

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Holocaust, Auschwitz: If You Cried, You Died

We'll be watching a Holocaust video in class today and discussing the Holocaust.  If you missed class, please see me for the worksheet, or click here.

If you were absent, or are looking for more videos to watch, this interview of Elle Wiesel by Oprah is a touching overview.  The video we watched in class isn't online.

Finally, in class or at home check out the Illinois Holocaust Museum website.  Prepare yourself for the visit by reading about the Holocaust and the museum and forming questions to find the answers to.  There are also other Holocaust museum sites worth checking out. Google them or click here for the US Holocaust Museum.