This is still in draft version. Waiting for your recommendations.
>Some of these sites require you to create an account. Only do so if you feel comfortable--it's not required.
>I cannot control the content of the sites.
Chapter 31, Sections 2 & 3: Watergate Brings Down Nixon
Watergate Presentation
Goal: Creatively and dramatically present the events of the Watergate scandal and surrounding actions (p. 860-862) while demonstrating knowledge of the scandal and teaching your fellow students.
Presentation Format (Comic, Play, PowerPoint, Rap/Song/Poem, Poster, Video)
Suggested Resources
For Comics
Check out:
For Plays, Posters, and Videos (Tragically, no Nixon)
and see me in class
For songs, poems, raps
check youtube (ones like this one) and see me in class